Monday, December 13, 2010

Working at Home

Catherine's Compactor isn't supposed to be so literal, but today work and family is especially mashed up.

The school district canceled school because they didn't know if the buses could navigate through all the snow the blizzard dropped. That was a surprise--their usual MO is to let the buses get stuck in snowbanks and have the kids push them out. No, no, I'm SLIGHTLY exaggerating. 

The kids came to the office with me for a few hours while I did my can't-do-it-from-home media work. But now we're all  at home, on 'screen time.' I'm working. My son's playing a violent video game. My daughter is on Google chat, the Skype-like version, so she is giving her friend who lives in a beautiful home a visual tour of our messy 80s split-entry.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We Came, We Sawed

We don't get out there every year, but I like to call cutting our own tree at Hansen's Tree Farm in Ramsey, Minnesota, a family tradition.

Dave Hansen is a colleague of mine, and it's fun to see co-workers in another environment. Dave's a pretty happy guy at the office, but in the zero-degree temps surrounded by balsam firs and blue spruce, he simply radiated good cheer.

Hot cider and Christmas sausage around the bonfire while Dave's nephew gave our tree a good "shake and bale"--Good cheer indeed.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Unfinished Project

My husband usually plans house projects in the winter, expecting to do them in the spring so come summer our family can enjoy them (like this deck). But spring beguiles, and summer is precious. This year, he roasted in the late-August sun, unsuccessfully trying to “do the deck” before winter. 

Some projects do get completed on time, and I’m grateful when they do. I’ve heard Ernest Hemingway was at his most depressed when he’d finished a novel. I understand: it’s the loss of the challenge and the unknown answer to the question: “What next?” 

The solitude of the writer’s life can be like that, but it’s not so on a work team, or with a family. The answer to “What’s next?” is “Plenty—check the calendar.” 

There’s a Hopi proverb that says “One finger can’t lift a pebble.” My work team has lifted a few boulders in 2010 (and so has my family), but I’m sure we’ll leave a few incomplete. The New Year wouldn’t be the same without the challenge of some unfinished projects.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hmong Village

I bought these pretty fabric ribbons at the "Hmong Village," a mall on Johnson Parkway in St. Paul's Eastside neighborhood. Who knows what I'll do with them. I'd gone to the place after a sick-day-at-work (does anyone stay home with a cold anymore?). I needed a big bowl of Pho.

My family likes the Hmong Village for the produce market (lemongrass, live mushrooms, herbal teas that look like sticks), the friendly store vendors (about 200 of them), and the 17 food stands. My daughter also likes that there's enough costume jewelry there to put Claire's to shame.

This mall just opened six weeks ago and it's always packed. I have the feeling that more non-Hmong will soon discover the colorful energy of this school-admin building turned urban community mall.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Video Work Makes Me Happy

If you're an experienced videographer you'll see I made about 25 major no-no's in this 2 1/2-minute video.  But it's the first one I've scripted, shot, and edited all by myself.  OK--I had a few technical difficulties and I'm grateful for two people at work: Chery Day and Tom Stanoch. They deserve some of the credit and none of the blame. 

I was also lucky to have my colleague Bob Hursh narrate, and of course for the University of Minnesota Extension water quality people. The communications and technology people, and the researchers and educators I work with, make going to work every day meaningful and a pleasure.

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Lucky Flat Tire

Sometimes even bad luck has a cherry on top. This morning, as every morning, I was hauling my kids to their distant school on St. Paul's Eastside, then off to work. On 35E, I suddenly felt like I was on a ride at Nickelodeon Universe as my car started waving side to side. My dashboard showed a light I'd seen before when I'd needed some air in my tires. Yep, flat tire.

I was about to pull over to the side of the road when I realized where I was: about 50 feet from the exit to a big box retailer that also happens to have a good tire center. My husband had been happy with the service there before. I took a deep breath and told the kids "You'll be late for school" and gently drove up the ramp and into the service garage.

Instead of our school/work routine, my two kids and I spent the morning sharing a cherry Icee while waiting our turn and learning about tire rotations, alignments, and replacements through the picture window from the big store. I've had worse days.

Monday, November 1, 2010

My First Video (with training wheels)

I shot this all myself, but had a real pro--Justin Ware--reminding me what to do with angles and lighting, and then there was the time I forgot to press "record." Scripting and editing were more "learning opportunities," and I was blessed that Justin agreed to narrate. And aren't the kids just the cutest?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Resume: Catherine Dehdashti

Catherine Dehdashti
1207 Spoonbill Circle, Eagan, MN 55123
651-329-2427,, Twitter @cdehdashti

A writer and communicator with thoughtful energy, a focus on audience, and a love for stories 
Public Relations Manager/Writer – University of Minnesota Extension

April 1996 to Present (promoted through six positions)

Public Relations / News Media
  • Editorial channel and calendar management
  • Story development and writing
  • Source magazine management – editorial, production, distribution
  • News media pitches and responding
Organizational Marketing
  • Stakeholder research for audience-driven strategies
  • Marketing materials – print and digital advertising, brochures, presentations, promotional gifts, wearables, signage, displays, exhibits
  • Website homepage features
  • Brand rejuvenation
  • Events – State Fair, trade shows, presence at sporting events
  • Vendor management
  • Photo/art direction
  • Employee professional development and training
Educational Material Development
  • Team/vendor/client work flow
  • Instructional design & presentations
  • Curriculum marketing plans
  • AP, ADA, MLA, and Chicago styles

Additional Experience – Freelance writer

  • Author, print and ebooks: production, self-publishing, marketing campaign
  • Topics: Food, cooking, home, garden, parenting
  • Essay – creative and persuasive



Master of Liberal Studies - Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature
Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communications

University of Minnesota

Mini-MBA for Nonprofit Organizations
Center for Business Excellence, University of St. Thomas


U of M Communicators Forum, Academic Communicators of Excellence, NAADA, Loft Literary Center, Screened youth volunteer, academic test administration


Facebook, Twitter
Software, etc.
MS Office - Word/PPt/ Excel
Google Apps & Analytics
Adobe InDesign, Acrobat
Video shooting/editing
Mass email
CMS / Drupal

Selection of Catherine Dehdashti’s Published Articles & Videos

A note about my book: 
A lifelong dream, I managed all aspects of publishing and promoting Roseheart, a novel, as a print and electronic book. I learned so much and was very fulfilled in this endeavor, but remain a dedicated communications professional.

Writing & Video for education

Small grains, big benefits. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Summer 2016, p. 3-4

Strengthening Minnesota’s global Network. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Winter 2016, p. 3-4

Research Highlights. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Winter 2016, p. 8-9

Connecting across the Red River Valley. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Spring 2015, p. 4

Meeting the challenges of today’s agriculture. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Fall 2014 p. 4-5

Growing healthier food: High tunnels extend Minnesota’s growing season. Source (U of M Extension magazine)      Winter 2013, p. 2
Reaching more farmers through ag professionals. Source (U of M Extension magazine)
13 Moons: Natural resources education inspires culture and community. Source (U of M Extension magazine)      Winter 2013, p. 2
New ways for old terrain: Agroforestry. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Fall 2011; p. 2
Emerald ash borer threatens ecology of Minnesota’s forests. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Fall 2010; p. 8
Video: Supporting youth through Operation Military Kids. U of M Extension, February 24, 2011
Video: Researching shoreland plants and climate change. U of M Extension, November 29, 2011  
Video: Growing Healthy Eating Habits. U of M Extension, September 13, 2010
Easy growing: The 2010 Minnesota Gardening Calendar. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Fall/Winter 2009; p. 12
Timely topics reach people online. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Fall/Winter 2009; p. 9
The plot thickens: turf specialist Bob Mugaas cuts a wide swath through Minnesota. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Winter 2009; p. 9
Extension celebrates Centennial anniversary—and you’re invited. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Winter 2009; p. back page
A summer to discover: Interns add ideas and energy. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Fall 2008; p. 9
Alcohol 101: Class intended to curb substance abuse. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Fall 2008; back page
Healthy eating in a new land: Extension nutrition educators use hands-on approach to bridge Somali culture and American society. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Spring/Summer 2008; p. 8
Fresh ideas for your garden online. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Spring/Summer 2008; back page
Strengthen your family life: Step away from the nitpicking. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Winter 2008; p. 1
No longer lost in translation: Extension serves up food safety success, in Spanish. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Winter 2008; p. 8
Radon radar: Extension reduces risks posed by dangerous radon gas. Source (U of M Extension magazine) Winter 2008; p. 9
Need winter relief? Source (U of M Extension magazine) Winter 2008; p. 1
Bienvenue au voisinage d’Eastside! (Welcome to the Eastside Neighborhood!) Quoi de neuf? L’Etoile du Nord French Immersion. Volume 10, Issue 4 May 2006; p. 5.

News feature articles on food, literature, and culture
In a Caribbean state of mind. Star Tribune. April 19, 2012; p. T4.
Ooh la la! French-American cuisine with a Persian accent. Star Tribune. January 19, 2012; p. T4.
Sweets of Araby: Scholarly authors serve up Middle Eastern desserts. Star Tribune. November 23, 2011; p. T3
A Persian feast for the New Year. Star Tribune. March 30, 2011, p. T1
Mother dominates 'Reading Lolita' author's second memoir. January 9, 2009.
Teen makes food presentations really sing. Star Tribune. April 13, 2006; p. T1.
Getting Picky about Olives. Buon Gusto. Volume 8, issue 5. September, 2004; p. 5
Golden Treasure: Thread by thread, saffron strands give food the color of sunshine. Star Tribune. March 27, 2003; T1
Organic farmers yield time-tested food. Star Tribune. January 1, 2004; p. T1.
Little touches enliven fare for hospital cook. Star Tribune. September 11, 2003.
Student life sent him on hunt for good food: his surefire solution was to cook. Star Tribune. June 12, 2003; p. T9.
She’s a party to good food. Star Tribune; p. T2
Hungry man takes on challenge. Star Tribune. November 7, 2002
California cultivated her respect for organic food. Star Tribune. January 31, 2002
Sense of adventure spices up festive menu. Star Tribune. December 13, 2001: p. T2.

Best fish tacos in San Diego, please. Hold the kids. Open Salon blog post. March 9, 2013.
Europe with kids: Reality irks. Open Salon blog post. September 9, 2012.
Teaching the kids to roll their own. Open Salon blog post. April 24, 2012
Sex, pirates, and Babette Col. Open Salon blog post. December 10, 2011
(Editor’s Pick) Kotex ad was a launch pad to different teen talk. Open Salon blog post. April 8, 2011.
Why pick plastic and concrete over sand and trees? Star Tribune. April 26, 2006; p. S2.
An invitation to buy or befriend. Midwest Home & Garden, a supplement to Minnesota Monthly. March 2004: p. 122
Rebuilding a house—and a friendship. Star Tribune. p. HG3.
Maman’s herbs seeded hope for family life. Star Tribune. May 30, 2002; p.  HG3

Presentations and Teaching

Dehdashti, Catherine. Working with news media to promote your program. Regularly updated and delivered this presentation for U of M Extension faculty. 2010-2012.
Dehdashti, Catherine and Wendy Huckaby. Write What You Mean. Presentation on business writing to Minnesota 4-H staff. St. Cloud, MN, February 4, 2008.
Dehdashti, Catherine and Neil Anderson. Have Extraterrestrials Pay You to Do Your Job: The Program Sponsorship Model, U of M Extension Experiences With Corporate and Small Business Sponsors. ACE Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM, May 13, 2007.
Dehdashti, Catherine and Kathy Johnson. Reaching New Audiences. Presentation to Minnesota 4-H staff. St. Cloud, MN, January 31, 2006
Anderson, Neil, George Morse, Catherine Dehdashti and Anita Dincesen. Public Value. Presentation to U of M Extension staff.” St. Paul, June 28, 2006
Viniard-Weideman, Aimee and Catherine Dehdashti, Marketing Youth Development. Presentation to U of M Extension Youth Development Staff. St. Cloud, MN, January, 2005.
Writing for Newsletters. Presentation to U of M Extension staff, Lamberton, Minnesota, February, 2004
Developing a Marketing Communications Plan presentation to University of Minnesota Youth Development faculty and staff. St. Cloud, MN, January, 2003.
GRAD 8101, Teaching in Higher Education. Class session on Formative and Summative Methods in the Assessment of Learning. Summer, 2006
GRAD 8101, Teaching in Higher Education. Interactive lecture on Truth in Degree: Written Memoir. Summer, 2006
L’Etoile du Nord Elementary School, St. Paul, MN. Volunteer TeacherArt Adventures 2005-Present. Lead periodic experiential learning sessions related to works of art from the Minneapolis Institute of Art and the Walker Art Museum; co-lead painting activities.  Classroom size is 24-27 students.