Friday, December 9, 2011

Reducing Holiday Stress (or, My Other Name is Scrooge)

December drives me up the Christmas tree. Busy at work, out of control at home. So last year I decided to make one little change to free up some time and money, and lower the stress. I would stop exchanging Christmas gifts with the adults in my family.

I wasn’t canceling Christmas. We’d still have good times, but the gifts would be just for the kids.

My kids would still get something small for my parents, but it not be from me. I can’t make exceptions for some adults in my family and not others because the slippery slope bottoms out at the Mall of America parking lot. And I didn’t want to run around that mall crazed and racking up credit card debt anymore.

This shopping season has me holding firm, but it’s not easy. Today my mom called me from her cell phone. Here’s how the conversation went:

MOM: I’m at Ridgedale with your sister, shopping for your Christmas present. Do you wear a medium or a small sweater?

ME: But you aren’t supposed to buy me a Christmas present, mom. We agreed last year, I’m not exchanging with adults.

MOM: This cardigan is SO you. I’m just not sure what size to get you.

ME: Mom, don’t get it for me, please. You buy enough stuff for my kids. I don’t want anything.

MOM: I’m getting your sister a present, so I can’t not get you one. I would feel bad.

ME: I’m not getting you a present, so I would feel bad if you gave me one. Just make sure you have a box of chocolate-covered cherries at your house. I'm looking forward to those.

MOM: It’s pink, purple and black, with flowers. It’s so pretty.

ME: I don’t want it. Really, I mean it.

MOM: You sure sound mad! This is the appreciation I get for wanting to buy my own daughter a nice present?

ME: I’m sorry. I’m not mad.

MOM: Silence.

MOM: Small or medium?

I'm still holding firm, but tomorrow is Saturday, and my mom and the kids and I have plans to meet…at the mall.